Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Please JoePa, Hang It Up

Penn State Coach Joe Paterno proves once again that he should be sitting at home in a rocking chair, not coaching a college football team.
JoePa is going to need surgery to fix his leg and hip, injuries he suffered while kicking a football during practice.
We all know that Paterno is no longer running the team (during games, he sits in the press box drooling on his shirt and shitting in a bag) but he seems intent to hang on to his coaching title until he can beat out Bobby Bowden for most career wins.

At his weekly press conference he said "I haven't got the slightest idea what the BCS is. Is it the BCS or the BSC? I don't know."
I find it hard to believe he doesn't know what the BCS is. I bet he just forgot.


  1. Anonymous9:42 PM

    I call for the Poop's immediate death. All your teams fucking suck. Syracuse is one of the top 10 worst teams in college football and has been for some time. JoePa has recruited one of the best teams in the country while your coach can't recruit anybody to come to your shit school in your shit town with your shit facilities. Go suck a bag a dicks.

  2. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Poop - you obviously have just fallen right into JoePa's trap. He is so much smarter than all the media (for purposes of this i'll consider you media)...he wants you to think he doesn't know what the BCS is, because HE DOESN'T WANT HIS TEAM THINKING ABOUT THE FUCKING BCS, he wants them thinking about IOWA, THEN INDIANA, THEN MICHIGAN STATE.

    How can you ask a guy who is coaching his ass of this year with a bum wheel to hang it up.

    Seriously - if you needed hip replacement and couldn't walk, would you be traveling around the country and in front of the media?

    I suspect your candy ass Syracuse pieces of shit couldn't man up for anything. Hence, 2-7.

    The defense rests - stop picking on JoePa - and enjoy the ride

  3. I think old Joe Pa knew exactly what he was saying when he referred to the BCS as the "BSC"
