Wednesday, November 12, 2008

This Story Is Not as Big as It Seems To Be

A group of angry women are filing a class-action lawsuits claiming they've experienced very uncomfortable symptoms, like rashes, hives and permanent scarring from Victoria's Secret bras.

"I had the welts ... very red, hot to the touch, extremely inflamed, blistery. It itched profusely," said Roberta Ritter, who describes herself as a longtime Victoria's Secret shopper. "I couldn't sleep, waking up itching.

"I was just utterly sick," she added.

Ritter, 37, filed a lawsuit against the company May 14 in relation to the Angels Secret Embrace and Very Sexy Extreme Me Push-Up bras she said she purchased.

What the fuck is wrong with these bitches? Most women have to undergo surgery, have their breasts cut open, then stuffed with a saline-filled bag in order to have jugs big enough so that men will notice them. Victoria's Secret does these women a favor and eliminates the need for all that with innovative products such as the "Very Sexy Extreme Me" push-up bra and these women want to complain over a couple hives. Just like a woman, no matter what you do for them they always want more.


  1. Anonymous2:04 PM

    I just re-read the headline...didn't get it at first. Nice one Poop.

  2. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I loved the headline too.

    You're right though Paul, men would never pay for non-surgical body enhancement en masse and then sue when it turned out not to be a perfect solution. It's not like there was a huge class action re: Enzyte or anything like that...oh wait...

  3. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Hi, Its a good job, .. Nice blog. I am sure that I havn't came across this article before.
