Friday, December 19, 2008

The NFL is Poop - Week 15

What’s Wrong with the Giants?
The Giants were able to withstand the loss of Plaxico Burress (before he shot himself in the leg) but now his absence seems to be affecting the team a little more. Eli Manning was sacked 8 times by the Dallas Cowboys, many of those were “coverage sacks” because the Giants receivers couldn’t get open. If Burress takes up two defensive backs, that creates room for other receivers that isn’t there in his absence. But Brandon Jacobs is a much bigger loss for the team. Without him, the Giants will not repeat as Super Bowl Champions.

Miracle at the Meadowlands II
The Jets were about to see their season go up in smoke as they were about to lose for the third straight week. They trailed the Buffalo Bills 27-24 with just over 2 minutes to go. The Bills faced a 2nd and 5 on their own 27. The Bills had run all over the Jets all game and surely could have gotten 5 yards on two carries by Marshawn Lynch. Instead Dick Jauron and his staff chose to rollout quarterback J.P. Losman. He was sacked from behind and Jets lineman Shaun Ellis scooped up the ball and rumbled into the end zone for the game-winning touchdown.

Collateral Damage
Referee Jeff Triplette got leveled from behind during that Shaun Ellis return, and landed right on his face. Triplette suffered a bloodied but not broken nose and even worked the rest of the game with cotton stuffed up his nose.

Game of the Week
Pittsburgh Steelers 13 Baltimore Ravens 9

The Pittsburgh Steelers win in dramatic and incredibly lucky fashion for the second week in a row. This time they don’t have Tony Romo to thank, it’s the officials who gift-wrapped this victory. On 3rd and goal with less than a minute to go the Steelers trailed 9-6 to the Ravens in what had previously been a field goal battle. Santonio Holmes caught a Ben Roethlisberger pass with his feet on the goal line, but did he ever get the ball there? It didn’t look like it, and that was the ruling on the field. But upon further review referee Walt Coleman overturned the call. I’ve seen the play 100 times since then and I still can’t make up my mind. I have no idea how Walt Coleman thought he saw indisputable visual evidence.

Game of Next Week
Carolina Panthers at New York Giants

Unbelievably this game is for homefield advantage in the NFC playoffs. And if the Giants lose this one they'll have to win next week (or get a Vikings loss) just to stay in position for a bye. And with the way things are going right now it would be surprising if the Giants could turn it around against a very hot Panthers team.

A Brief Rant About the Redskins
I have no idea what happened to a team that got off to such a promising start. But right now they are horrible. I know there are injuries on the offensive line, but even so, losing to the Bengals is inexcusable. I don't want to see Jim Zorn get fired but he has to figure out something to right this ship for next year and to get Jason Campbell back on track.

Cheerleader of the Week
Erin of the Baltimore Ravens Cheerleaders
Erin is a part-time nanny from Ashburn, Virginia (that's Redskins country) whose career goal is to make a difference in people's lives (seems pretty vague to me). Her favorite movie is "Freedom Writers," which I have never heard of. It starts Hilalary Swank and McDreamy and it's about a teacher making a difference in people's lives. Maybe that's where Erin got the idea.

If the Super Bowl Were Played Today
Pittsburgh Steelers 10 Carolina Panthers 9

Major changes in this category this week. The Titans lost to the Texans but they seem to have it in cruise control. However, I do think the Steelers can go in there and win if for no other reason than they seem to have luck and fate on their side. The problems look more serious for the Giants who are feeling the effects of injuries to their offensive line. They haven't score a real touchdown on offense in the last two games. The NFC spot in this game will be made easier for me when the Giants play the Panthers.

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