Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Scariest Thing Ever

Chase just fell down the stairs.
He and I had come home from buying Mrs. Poop's Hanukah present.
She was upstairs getting ready so I put him on the bottom step and let him crawl up.
When he got to the top step I assumed Mrs. Poop had her eye on him so I went to the basement to hide her present.
Then a minute later I heard the unmistakable clomping of his sneakers on the kitchen floor.
I look up and see Chase standing at the top of the basement steps, looking like he's about to come down after me (only he hasn't mastered climbing down the steps the way he has going up).
I scream for Mrs. Poop and she doesn't answer, I scream louder and still no answer.
I run up the stairs and grab Chase and realize Mrs. Poop was upstairs the whole time.
We have no idea how he got down the steps safely.
To see if he actually has learned how to go down steps Mrs. Poop put him about five steps up and went to the bottom. On the first step down he couldn't quite reach and he tumbled down.
Thankfully Mrs. Poop grabbed him before he hit his head.
He didn't even cry.
He looked a little freaked out but not upset.
So how the hell did he get down the stairs the first time?


  1. Weird. I'm sure you would have heard him if he had fallen down the stairs. My nephew used to slide down the stairs on his butt super fast. That was the only way he knew to go down.

  2. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I've been trying to show him how to crawl down backwards and I assume this is how he did it. When I tried to see if he could do it himself he crawled backwards down 5steps and then turned around and stood up and then decided to take a step and I caught him. I'm sure we would have heard if he actually fell down the first time. While Paul was screaming for me I was screaming for him asking where Chase was and I was frantically checking the 3 bedrooms and the bathroom. He keeps us on our toes for sure.

  3. LOL. Maybe you should put a bell on him.

  4. So, he didn't fall down the stairs?

  5. Anonymous7:30 PM

    He fell, but I caught him on the way down.
