Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mrs. Poop Reveals Deep Dark Secret

Mrs. Poop is part of a cult (that's not the secret). She's a member of an online community of equally crazy mothers and new brides.
She spends several hours a day ignoring Chase, Diesel and me while reading about the lives of these crazy people she doesn't even know.
They speak in their own language and share pictures of their kids.
Recently they shared their weirdest habits.
Mrs. Poop wanted me to read them because it turns out I share all of them.
All my money has to be facing the same way and arranged in my wallet in order of denomination with the singles on the outside.
I meticulously arrange my closet separating dress pants from sweats and jeans, and hanging all the blue jeans on blue hangers.
I don't like my food to touch. And I always eat my food in a certain order, even when I'm eating stew I eat all the carrots, then all the potatoes, then all the beef.
And when I watch TV, I have to keep the volume reading on a divisor of 5. 10, 15, 20, etc.
So as I'm starting to realize that I am crazier than all of Mrs. Poop's psycho-mommy-cult-freaks combined, I finally get to her post.
She admits to always trying to have a pacifier that matches Chase's outfit. I knew this because she actually got compliments about it in the past. She also freaked out when Chase lost the special orange one she bought him.
But what I read next shocked even me.
Mrs. Poop admitted that she can't have the television volume on 13. Every night she goes to bed with the TV on, and lies on the pillow and closes her eyes. Then she remembers, grabs her glasses and checks to make sure the volume is not on 13.
Mrs. Poop is a triskadecaphobiac.
Just when you think you know somebody.


  1. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I hate you!!

  2. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I'm the same with money in my wallet and I also like to keep my closet super-organized. I have OCD, not full-on OCD -- but definitely a smattering of it.

  3. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I do the money thing too. That's not really OCD though, just efficient for you, and helpful for a cashier since they need to arrange it like that anyway. But Mrs Poop is most definitely a freak! (j/k)

  4. Anonymous3:45 PM

    That's hysterical. I totally do the same with my wallet and thought I was alone. Now I know I'm in great company.

  5. Anonymous10:21 PM

    I was with you until you started eating the stew in a special order. Ton is right, the money thing isn't special. Mrs. Poop is crazy, but you gotta co-ORD-in-ATE.

  6. Anonymous11:05 PM

    'Course the maple syrup should be on the table before the pancakes come.

    400 Oak Street, Cincinnati, O-HI-o.
