Thursday, February 26, 2009

America's Newest Celebutard

As much as I love black women with big asses, I have to say I am getting a little sick of Michelle Obama.
Once again, this has very little to do with her and more to do with the breathless praise of everything she does ("oh my she took out her weave") and wears ("how bold, she goes sleeveless in February! If you had toned arms like hers you would too!").

Her latest transgression (in my eyes) is the People Magazine cover that shows her looking great (she is an attractive woman) and showing off her toned arms. She looks and sounds like any other celebrity mother when she talks about the rules she has for her daughters. Presumably, they wear $100 frocks from J. Crew while Michelle prances in $5000 custom made gowns is one of them.

Michelle Obama is pretty, and a good wife, and a tough mother, we get it, enough already

In this People article she did break the one piece of news I've been waiting to hear. The Obamas will be getting a Portuguese Water Dog (outsourcing) some time in April or May. And the name hasn't been decided, but Frank and Moose are top contenders.

I love Sasha and Malia, they deserve a dog. They also deserve a mother who is more concerned with raising them than with raising her own celebrity profile.

Michelle seems like just more proof that my largest fear about the Obama Administration is slowly coming true, even though we're only a month into it. For the next 7 years and 11 months style will trump substance.

And while Obama may well be the next John Kennedy, I have a comment for Michelle, "you think you're the black Jackie O but you're really not."

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