Thursday, February 05, 2009

Derek Jeter is a Thief Who Should be Thrown in Jail

While 18 vultures were arrested during the last game at Yankee Stadium for trying to make off with mementos from the soon-to-be-destroyed stadium (knowing Yankees fans they probably also had outstanding warrants), one crook made off with a precious item scott-free.
Derek Jeter now admits to stealing a sign from the clubhouse, the one that says "I want to thank the good Lord for making me a Yankee."
Jeter makes enough money, he should have just paid the ridiculous price to buy the sign at auction.
But Jeter, like the fans who root for him, is a low-life piece of trash who should be thrown in jail.

Derek Jeter stole a sign from Yankee Stadium

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:36 AM

    you are an idiot. Yankees rule
