Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What I Should Have Said Theater

UConn men's basketball coach Jim Calhoun freaked out on a blogger who questioned the coach's salary:

But instead of repeatedly imploring him to get some facts, and even offering to fight the guy (I think that's what he meant), this is what Calhoun should have said:

"The number one reason America is the best country in the world is because someone can come from nothing and through hard work rise up and become a success, and get paid a lot of money for a job well done.
"I feel really badly about the financial troubles our country and this state are going through right now but it's not my fault. I'm not a bank CEO, taking millions in bonuses while running the company into the ground. I get paid a very nice salary to win basketball games and produce revenue for the University. And the basketball team brought in $12 million last year.
"My heart goes out to the families who are struggling right now, out of work, maybe kicked out of their homes. But I don't think the way to solve this problem is to change our financial system. There seem to be a lot of people out there recently who think we should become a socialist country. Every rich person should keep a little bit for himself and pay everything else away in taxes so the government can give it to poor people. But that's not the way our capitalist system works. Right now, we're going through a tough time, but if we let the system work, it will work, and the U.S. will be back on top again."

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