Sunday, March 08, 2009

Idol Chatter

The top 12 is set so I guess it's time to weigh in with my thoughts.

First let's deal with the Adam Lambert issue. The kid had a real chance. He could have taken his androgynous Clay Aiken-Annie Lenox thing to the top. But with these gay kiss and drag queen photos he's got no shot. Say what you want but people just don't like gay dudes. Look at every vote on gay marriage. People hate homos. And he coulda been a contender.

Most of the girls in the top 12 suck, except for 1 (I'll get to her later) so they will quickly be weeded out. But there are a couple of intriguing guys, most notably the two sympathy cases.

Scott MacIntyre makes me want to cry every time he sings. Fact is, the guy is awesome. He could be the white Stevie Wonder, or the blind Ray Charles, that's how good this guy is. But I'm just not sure this is his way to break into the industry. Especially because no one in his family wants to tell him "look bro, I can see, and your hair looks awful."

Then there's Danny Gokey who is everyone's odds-on favorite to win this thing. Not only can the guy really sing, but he has a dead wife (and not the O.J. Simpson kind either, she died during surgery, reportedly to treat a lifelong heart condition) which pulls on Mrs. Poop's heartstrings.

But sympathy will only take you so far in this contest. And with so many dudes being so good, I could easily see 5 vs. 1 in the final 6, they may cancel each other out.

And that is why Lil Rounds is going to win. Now lots of other great black women have been the best singers in their season (LaToya, LaKisha, Mandisa, Melinda) and got voted off because they weren't likable. But I don't see that problem with Lil. I listened to her performance of (former SOTW) "Be Without You" twice when I watched the show and five more times while I was writing this.


  1. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Anoop-dog FTW!

  2. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Fantasia wasn't likable at all, yet she won. I think Lil Rounds and Gokey will fight head to head, and I think Gokey is going to pull it off.

  3. Anonymous9:29 PM

    fuck Gokey. His shit-eating grin is getting old already, he is gonna be that much more annoying in a few weeks. what kind of scumbag exploits his wife's death to go on american idol?


  4. Anonymous9:39 PM

    it's funny - they aren't even trying to say this pathetic group "is the greatest season ever". They tried to pull that shit last year, except no one believed them. they aint even tryin this year.

    Adam - I don't care that he is gay, he is fucking annoying and screeches like an idiot. go to hell.

    alexis - pointless

    allison - see alexis

    anoop - awesome, but don't sing any more that Monica shit. Is he a one trick pony with the Bobby Brown crap?

    Danny Gokey - DIE

    Jasmine - yawn

    Jorge - creepy

    Kris - generic white dude

    Lil - really? you're named Lil? fuckin stupid Fantasia clone. get lost.

    Matt - awful

    Megan - you dance like a retard. go away

    Michael - token hick. take a hike.

    Blind Dude - seems pretty cool
