Friday, April 03, 2009

April Fool's

Kudos to those of you who caught on to my April Fool's Day Joke. But I don't think any of you specifically noticed the hints, if you had you would have been convinced it's a joke. Not only did I choose 4/1 to make this announcement, check out the time of day I posted this, and go back and read the first two words of every paragraph.

Here's why I did it:

1) I'm a narcissist
2) The enjoyment I get from this blog is the feedback and reaction from all of you. I wanted to see who would react and how, and if anyone would pick up on the hints.
3) Most importantly, pretty much everything I said in that post is true. I have no time to this anymore. It does seem like a chore to me. What I loved about this when I was first doing it is that I was writing the blog I wanted to read. I was posting things in a timely fashion, finding the best pictures to illustrate my story (I hate reading a blog that says "you should have seen this" or "so-and-sos wife is so hot" without the accompanying visual evidence) and I was writing these stories better than the AP or other services and adding my own twisted take on these events. Now all I do is cut and paste directly from the AP, and I do it five days after you've already heard the stories.
4) This post was actually my apology for doing such a crappy job on the Poop lately and a warning that it doesn't seem like the content here will improve, but I trust you'll find it beats the alternative.
5) But, all that being said, I don't plan to ever make an official announcement ending this blog. So much of my life is already recorded in these virtual pages it would be ashame to just let it die. So what I intend is to do the best I can for as long as possible.


  1. Thank god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I wanted to post something but was reserving my comment until I was sure one way or another whether it was your last post.

    I checked the page a bunch of times yesterday looking for you to confirm or reject in the comments section of your post. I thought posting it on 4/1 might have been your idea of a joke to get people talking and most not believing, but having it be the actual truth.

    That said, I'm glad the Poop isn't going anywhere. It's a great blog and excellent pitstop for me each day when I'm doing my internet surfing. The news coverage, the humor posts, and the serious posts that include your insight, they all make this a special blog. I'm glad you're not going anywhere.

  3. Anonymous9:26 AM

    That wasn't very nice!! Poor Mark was really upset!

    I am so glad you are back!

  4. Damn you Poop! Toying with my emotions like that

  5. Reissberg8:17 PM

    How gullible are you guys?
    The hints were so obvious. Who starts a sentence "Four wonderful years ago"? Makes no sense
