Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Method Actor

A disturbing new anti-smoking ad shows a small child losing his mother in a crowded train station. The poor little boy gets sadder and sadder and heart-breakingly, starts to cry.
As if that weren't cruel enough, turns out he wasn't acting.
The Australian company that produced the ad said the boy's reaction was real.
His mother really did walk away from him and they recorded his natural reaction.
I can't think of anything more cruel.
But the company says just a few seconds later he was back in his mother's arms.


  1. I dunno...the kid was made to cry for a few's nothing that wouldn't probably happen in real life a few times. I'm sure I cried for a few seconds when Mamma Lu turned around in 1984 while shopping. People are just freaking cuz it was done on purpose for the camera. I don't think the kid is going to be affected later in life by this.

  2. I totally agree that this kid will have no long-term damage from this. But Mrs. Poop is considering giving up sleeping because Chase cries when she goes upstairs. As a parent you never want to see your child scared/crying. I think playing a trick like this on the child is cruel. And unlike when u got lost in the mall this was recorded and shown to millions and will be around forever. A reminder of what a see you next Tuesday his mom is.
