Monday, April 20, 2009

Ten Years Later

Believe it or not, it's been 10 years since the shootings at Columbine High School.

Because this is the "new Poop" I won't go into detail about my thoughts on this incident, I'll just make two comments.

1) Pretty much everyone who ever went to high school knew kids like Eric and Dylan, kids who were social pariahs who under the worst of circumstances could have perpetrated something like this. And because of the randomness with which they carried out these shootings, it could have been any of us.
As such, shortly after Columbine I had a nightmare that this took place at Susan Wagner High School. Jordan Rubin and Jonathan Marino were the perpetrators and among the victims were Reissberg, The Concierge and JLeary.

2) A few days after Pizza Parlor Derek and I struggled to fight back tears while watching the memorial service for the kids who had been killed.

1 comment:

  1. The Concierge5:41 PM

    Nails shared an interesting story published by CNN - below is the link:

    The article demonstrates that people with the help of the media classified the events at Columbine in a way that made them feel safer. But the truth may be that it is not possible to broadly identify who is more or less likely to perpetrate such a horrific act.

    One interesting tidbit is that it is fairly well known that many criminal duos are usually created by a dominant and a submissive personality. In this case, the identified psychopath Harris was probably the dominant personality. And they both used each other, Harris used Kelbold to fulfill his psychotic tendencies and Klebold looked up to Harris, who Klebold must have perceived to be stronger and having the confidence that Kelbold felt that he lacked.
