Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jose Canseco's MMA Debut

After a couple of failed attempts at boxing, Jose Canseco takes on 7'2" Hong Man Choi, a Korean kickboxer.

Note: The best youtube video of the fight I found happens to be the one with the entire buildup, including walkout. The fight starts about 5 minutes into this clip.

Poor Jose Canseco, the guy is the Woodward and Bernstein of the steroid era yet he mismanaged his finances so poorly that even with two successful books, he still has to get his ass kicked by freakish giants in order to pay the bills.

1 comment:

  1. yeah I saw this the other day. Just sad. I've seen Hong Man Choi fight a few times...almost all of them were basically just freak shows...not actual good fights.
