Monday, May 11, 2009

There But For The Grace of God Go I

I'm actually proud to admit that me, JLeary, Reissberg and the Conch were doing this same thing when Mike Butrym was still in short pants.

A New Jersey high school student has been suspended for organizing a contest in which boys voted on the school's best-looking girls in a bracket modeled on the NCAA basketball tournament.

Mike Butrym, of Towaco, says he was continuing a Montville High School tradition and believes his five-day suspension is too harsh.

The contest was called "May Madness." Teenage boys chose 16 female students from each grade. Each day, they paired off the girls and judged them on their appearance. Winners advanced to the next round.

The 18-year-old says many girls in the school think of the contest as a joke. He says they even started their own version judging boys.

He was suspended for "intimidation, harassment and insubordination."


  1. The Concierge10:21 AM

    This is true, we were doing this before Al Gore even invented the Internet. Actually to put a date on it, we conceived of the idea in 1995 at a roadside New Jersey Diner on Route 17 called the Suburban Diner. To be a specific day on it, I would have to check my dental records. There was some sort of water-main break or shortage because the diner could not serve tap water. Thus we ordered soda, ice tea and saki-saki, which apparently they did not have available.

  2. jleary10:59 AM

    We picked the diner over the #1 Chinese resturant in NJ (at least that is what the sign stated). Don't forget that Fochs (or Mike Oxbig) was our tie-breaking vote

  3. Did you know that diner is about five minutes from house?

    What's funniest about the Conch's post is that he really could pinpoint the date by checking his dental records.
