Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't

Zicam makes a nasal spray which people say (I’ve never used it) is a great treatment for the common cold. Now people are all upset because of reports it may permanently damage your sense of smell.
These people want everything. You get a cure from the common cold and complain because of a tiny little side effect.
Most things you smell are malodorous anyway. Think how great life would be if you couldn’t smell your farts (or the farts of others). You wouldn’t have to smell foul garbage or baby’s poops (which often induce nausea). So you can’t smell a pretty flower or a stripper’s perfume, big fuckin deal.
And think how much money you would save.
No more candles, no more air fresheners, no more cologne/perfume, and no deodorant. I think I will buy Zicam for Mrs. Poop as a money-saving measure.


  1. What about the fact that smell is directly linked to taste? You would no longer be able to fully taste Target popcorn, or scallops wrapped in bacon.

  2. The Concierge10:41 AM

    Agreed. This is a douchey post. Losing your sense of smell would be terrible. You should spend more time developing the muscles in nose that will allow you to pinch your nose shut without the use of your hand. If you are proactive about doing this you will avoid many bad smells.

  3. Leeroy Jenkins1:35 PM

    plus, who doesn't love the smell of their own farts?


    (tumbleweed rolling by)

  4. This shit is serious. It's happened to Alison and she only used it TWICE. I used the gell swabs maybe once or twice, but no problems It does affect your taste too. She hasn't been able to smell anything since she got a real bad cold and took this crap a month ago. This is one reason why I hate taking any type of drug or medication. You trust doctors, drug makers and the FDA to know about this shit and it fucks you up. She's been seeing doctors, getting a CAT scan and looking on the internet for reasons behind this. Thank you for this very important post.

  5. Look, if they marketed this product as "Never Smell Anything Bad Again!" people would be lining up in droves to take it.
    Then they'd complain they never get colds anymore. You just can't make people happy.

    (tongue in cheekiness aside I hope the damage to Alison's nose is only temporary.)
