Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Will Exploit Kids For Food

On a very special episode of “Jon & Kate Plus 8” the Gosselins announced their divorce, saying it’s not good for their kids to see them fighting all the time.
But the show must go on.

Instead of allowing their kids to go through this difficult time without the spotlight, Jon and Kate will instead film new episodes of their hit show – separately.

I don’t blame Jon and Kate for their marital problems – raising 8 kids understandably puts a lot of pressure on a couple.
And I understand that Jon wants to use his newfound fame to get laid, while Kate wants more bikinis (hey she has to show off the free boob job and tummy tuck she got).

Plus, Kate is a controlling bitch who probably trapped the poor sucker with twins then sextuplets and now he’s rich and doesn’t want to put up with that shit anymore.

All of that seems reasonable, at least in the fucked up world of people who turn their lives into contrived TV shows.

But with this latest turn, Jon and Kate have sunk to new lows, possibly making them the worst parents not named the Octomom.

By trotting their kids in front of a camera for 40 more episodes (at a price of at least $75,000 an episode, $3m for those keeping score at home), it’s clear they are putting their own lust for fame and money above their concern for their children.

I sure hope they put a lot of that money away for their kids --- a lifetime of visits with 8 different shrinks can be very expensive.


  1. Anonymous11:02 AM

    the wife seems like a miserable person to be around, i don't blame the dude for leaving.

  2. And now we learn from the divorce papers they have been living apart for TWO YEARS

    Which really makes that taking the vows again thing in Hawaii last year even more ridiculous
