Monday, June 01, 2009

You Reap What You Sow

Noted abortion doctor George Tiller was gunned down at his church Sunday by an anti-abortion activist named Scott Roeder.
While I don't condone what Roeder did, forget the irony of killing someone as punishment for taking life, I reject the efforts by the media to cast Tiller as an innocent victim.
George Tiller didn't deserve to be put in a casket, but he did deserve to get thrown in jail.
Beyond just your average abortion doctor, Tiller "The Baby Killer" was well-known for performing hundreds, maybe thousands of late-term abortions.
His clinic was one of only three in the nation to do them.
Late-term abortions are illegal unless done to protect the mother's health or in cases of rape or incest.
A widely held belief is that Tiller stretched these laws to perform late-term abortions on patients who were not raped no in immediate danger (one 13-year-old girl says she was coerced).
Personally I think Tiller was known as the guy to see if you needed a late-term abortion.
I also believe he was willing to fabricate circumstances, or stretch the law (one woman got a late-term abortion for severe depression) because he so strongly believed that he was doing good by preventing unwanted childbirths.
While that doesn't mean Tiller deserved to be killed, it probably means he doesn't deserve to be mourned as a hero.


  1. You don't get much more late-term than an abortion in the 271st trimester.

  2. Damino10:11 AM

    Strongly agree with all of Paul's points here.

    Violence majorly undercuts the credibility of the protester's message. I'm decidedly pro-choice but think this doctor was probably an unethical scumbag. But you can't go killing him or you become the villain and your message is lost.

    Same reason I will never join PETA despite my passion for animals. You go throwing blood on people and blowing up labs and you look like the lunatic who belongs in a cage.

  3. Good riddance.
