Friday, July 31, 2009

Beer Summit Update

For the record, it was Bud Light for Obama, Sam Adams Light for Gates, Blue Moon for Crowley and nonalcoholic Buckler for Biden.
I'm glad Gates decided not to go with the Red Stripe.
Why did Biden drink a non-alcoholic beer? Is he in recovery? [Update: Biden has alcoholism in his family so he doesn't drink. There are reports he's never tasted alcohol but I didn't see that anywhere reliable enough to believe it.]
I also would have liked to see them go with bottles and not mugs. It would have been more fitting of the spirit of this "boys night out." This way seems like Michelle nagged him to use the mugs -- and of course the coasters.

Picture of the President's Beer Summit

And who shows up in a suit when someone invites you to their house for a beer?

1 comment:

  1. The Concierge8:47 AM

    This is exactly why you will never be president. You can drink out of a bottle at the White House! Are you going to suggest next the they should have paper bagged them and drank them on the stoop of the white house in flip flops and socks.
