Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Poop's Movie Reviews

Because we have built-in baby sitters on vacation Mrs. Poop and I took advantage of this opportunity to go see the movie everyone has been talking about, “The Hangover.”

But before I get into that let me first review a couple other movies we have seen recently and establish the baseline for the Poop movie rating system.

We start at 0 Poops with “Borat,” one of the worst movies ever without a single funny joke or redeeming quality.

Next on my scale is 1 Poop, which I generously give to “Napoleon Dynamite.” A movie only an idiot could love, but at least it had some cute moments and quotable lines.

With those parameters laid down, I give “You Don’t Mess with the Zohan” 2 Poops. The first time we tried to watch this Mrs. Poop and I both fell asleep in the middle because it was so awful. And we both hated it so much we debated whether or not to even finish. Other than poking fun at a couple Israeli idiosyncracies like the “Going Out of Business” store, I found nothing funny about this movie at all.

Then there was “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” which I found to be really funny. Certain types of humor I just don’t enjoy like outrageous sight gags (Jason Segel’s cock, Russell Brandt humping a giant chess piece) and awkwardness (any scene involving Jonah Hill), but barring that I thought this movie was well-written, smart and had some hysterically funny moments. It gets 7 Poops.

Which leads me to “The Hangover.” I loved it, absolutely hysterical movie. An all-time great guy comedy. I can’t even point to specific jokes or scenes, the whole thing was hysterical, and the photo montage at the end was a great way to tie it together. Once again I could have done without the male nudity and some of it was derivative (the tiger in the car was stolen right from “Tommy Boy” only with a different animal so no one would notice). In fact, the whole thing lightly reeked of “Old School,” same director, and I believe same wedding singer, though that seemed more of an homage than a rip-off. I loved the cameos of Mike Tyson and Heather Graham’s nipple. I will start saying “your language is very offensive” whenever someone curses from now on. And I was actually quite glad a lot of the movie’s funniest parts were not given away in the trailer.

he does look more like a Carlos

But the funniest part of the movie for me occurred thanks to Mrs. Poop. Right when Stu (Andy Bernard aka Ed Helms) was about to give the tiger the steak, she was anticipating a huge roar. And right when the tiger roared, Mrs. Poop let out the loudest, highest, shrillest shriek ever. Then she was so shocked and embarrassed she let out a yell that she laughed hysterically for about five minutes.

this tiger scared the shit out of Mrs. Poop

I’m not including that special moment in my review, but even without Mrs. Poop’s horrified yell, I still give “The Hangover” 8 Poops.


  1. Damino3:30 PM

    I'm with you on the Zohan (although I liked it much better the second time around), but I think Borat is hands down one of the best comedies of the decade. Not a single redeeming quality? Come on!

  2. I hated Borat too.

  3. Reissberg9:14 PM

    I can understand why Poop hates Borat. I disagree, but I get it.
    Come on, though, Zohan is funny. If nothing else, dipping everything in hummus is funny.

  4. I give Paul Blart Mall Cop 5 poops
