Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Classic Poop: The Day I Met Senator Ted Kennedy

Originally posted on June 16, 2006:

Today I met Splash. Splash is the dog of Senator Ted Kennedy. Splash is the author of a new children's book, called "My Senator and Me." It's written from the dog's perspective so I guess its a good book for dogs to read also.
Sen. Kennedy was very gracious, standing up to greet us (even though he has a back problem) and introducing himself and his wife to all of us. The dogs (Splash's brother Sunny came too) sat at the Senator's feet while he was eating fruit, even tapping him on the leg to get some. When I asked what kind of dogs they are Senator Kennedy said "Portguese water dogs."
I said "those are the dogs they have in San Francisco..."
He said "yes, at the ballpark to fetch the balls from the water. They're very strong swimmers."
His wife then got the dogs to do a trick. She broke a biscuit in half, they immediately followed her. They both went from sitting to the down position. She placed the biscuit halves about 6 inches from their noses. They waited patiently. She clapped and they pounced. Great dogs.
During the interview Splash sat quietly under the Senator's feet and played with his tennis ball.
I really liked the Senator and it just goes to show that your impression of someone from the media can be totally wrong. Knowing about someone is not the same as knowing them. And just because you disagree with someone's politics doesn't mean that he is not a good person.


  1. Damino10:14 AM

    Terrific post. I felt the same way when I met Newt Gingrich years ago. I am a fan of his but not of most of his political views.

  2. Mary Jo Kopechne1:42 PM

    He's a great person but a terrible driver.

  3. Juice1:52 PM

    Good one, MJK...

  4. Mary Jo Kopechne7:41 PM

    Thank you
