Saturday, August 01, 2009

I Hope the Mets Get the Next Firing Right

The Mets screwed up the Willie Randolph firing but doing it in the middle of the night after a cross-country trip.
Now they screwed up the Tony Bernazard firing by calling out Adam Rubin during the press conference.
Hopefully they'll get it right when they fire Omar Minaya.

I think Omar is on the hook despite his 3-year contract because of the poor performance of the team, but ownership seems more concerned about the embarrassment he brings to the organization.

But here's something no one is talking about in this whole Adam Rubin incident: it's true that Adam Rubin went to Jeff Wilpon (and maybe others) and at the least asked for career advice, and at the most it could have been interpreted the way Omar said it, he was lobbying for a front office job.

Now that doesn't excuse Omar for calling Rubin out like that, it definitely should have been handled in private. And it certainly doesn't mean what Rubin wrote about Bernazard was false, because we can pretty safely assume it was all true.

But I want Omar judged on his moves as GM, not on the way he handles the press. I personally hate the way Omar has shaped this team, spending millions on aging vets then bitching when they get hurt. I want a GM who gets rid of his old players for younger ones, lets them develop, then adds top-shelf veterans to fill out a championship roster. I think Wright and Reyes satisfy the first part, and Santana and K-Rod the second but the Mets still have some holes to fill, especially those occupied right now by lackluster veterans Luis Castillo, Brian Schneider and Livan Hernandez.


  1. Jerry Manual9:51 AM

    Castillo is having a great year

  2. He's been fillthy...just fillthy.

  3. Luis Castillo's ranks among 21 qualifying 2nd basemen:

    OPS: 17th
    SLG: 20th
    RC27: 14th
    ISOP: 21st
    SECA: 9th

    If you discard the old metrics of baseball you see that Castillo is way below average among players at his position.

    He has been getting on base lately (which is important) and he has exceeded expectations but he made one of the worst plays possible to cost the team a game, which sent them into a tailspin.

    Everyone knew it was a horrible signing when it happened, just because Castillo has been really bad, and not absolutely horrible, doesn't make it any better.

  4. Damino2:23 PM

    Agree with Paul. I cannot stand Castillo and think his attitude and overall poor play really set this team back. Terrible signing.

  5. master bates6:42 AM

    generally agree - except Beltran and Reyes are two of the most important injured players and neither was signed as an aging veteran. nor was putz or Maine. I'll give you Delgado and Sheffield.

  6. Buttsecks Jenkins3:29 PM

    agree with Damino and Paul on the Castillo thing.

    Much like the Kazmir/V. Zambrano trade, as soon as the Castillo signing was announced, I think everyone was like "WTF? Are you kidding?"

    Resigning him was bad enough, resigning him for FOUR years is borderline criminal. Especially when Hudson wanted to come here. Who were we bidding against for Castillo?

    Can't wait til Omar is gone.
