Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Our Long National Nightmare is Over

Paula Abdul is out of American Idol!
So happy

I think the plan by the producers to get rid of her has been in the works for several years. It started with the hiring of Kara continued with granting extensions to everyone but Paula and ended with a lowball contract offer. They didnkt want to fire her and look bad so they gave her an insulting offer knowing she would quit.

No one is going to miss Paula. I know some people say they like to watch a train wreck but it gets old after a while. The show will be so much less annoying without her.

The next problem is that Kara sucks and has no credibility with the male viewers after ripping off her clothes and getting embarrassed in comparison to Bikini Girl's smoking body.

And since the producers now are out on a limb for Kara they will never admit their mistake and get rid of her if she continues to annoy America the way she did last season.


  1. I don't know...I sorta disagree with the Bikini Girl comparison. When Kara ripped open her shirt (which was only for like 2 seconds BTW) I was actually like "Oh shit, she has a smoking body!"...and didn't see it in any way as being embarrassed next to Bikini Girl.

  2. Bikini Girl had a brand new boob job, which was tough to contend with.

    I'm on the fence about Kara. I'm probably in the minority here, but I liked Paula a lot. Even though her reviews were scripted, she was the tender heart of the trio, bringing balance between Simon's harshness and Randy's lingo. She kept the show interesting, and even after all these years I still find her to be hot!

  3. Damino2:30 PM

    I feel the same way as Ton. I find Kara super annoying, but I was really surprised/impressed with her body and that she had the courage to show it off like that, especially standing next to Bikini Girl.

  4. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Paula was a trainwreck (obviously), but Kara is so fucking annoying, and very ignorant about older music. I rememeber her saying something about "Cryin" being an "older" Aerosmith song.

    I think she also called "Studio 54" Studio 57" or something.

    There were a ton of other comments like that I am forgetting.

    She is dumb and annoying.

  5. Damino6:19 PM

    Yes she sure did. I think she also told a contestant he was reminiscent of "the guy from Saturday Night Live" when she meant Saturday Night Fever.

  6. Team Paula bitches!

    (F Kara)
