Monday, September 28, 2009

Where Were the Sign Police On This One?

After recent events you knew horny college kids would get creative with their signs on College Gameday. Even though ESPN does have a sign police, this type of thing is impossible to stop.

Hey Erin I eat pussy...well

"Hey Erin, I eat pussy...well."
Kind of crude if you ask me. I still prefer the classic and clever Lee Corso sign.

Story suggested by Master Bates

1 comment:

  1. This was in State College so chances are this guy has never even seen a pussy before.

    Also, I know the folks at the State Penn loved it, because it's so low-brow, but I actually prefer "Iowa Likes Fish Sticks."

    And even "I didn't know what to write" is better than that crudeness.

    But I think had it been me I would have written "Hey Erin, I've seen you naked. Let me return the favor!"
