Sunday, November 29, 2009

What Really Happened

The biggest story in the world right is now is the mysterious car accident of Tiger Woods. Everyone wants to know what really happened, and a pretty obvious picture is surfacing.

Recent rumors of Tiger having an affair with New York nightclub hostess Rachel Uchitel surfaced. Tiger and Elin were obviously fighting about it, maybe Tiger got a strange text.

It was 2am the night after Thanksgiving and Tiger was taking some painkillers. They had a fight and Elin went crazy, she attacked him and scratched his face up pretty good. He tried to leave the house to go for a drive. She chased him down with a golf club (oh the irony) and at some point smashed the back window.

Distracted by the crazy woman chasing him, perhaps bleeding from scratches to his face, perhaps a little foggy due to painkillers Tiger crashed his car into a fire hydrant and then a tree.

But there are a few questions still unanswered.

First, why do the Woodses keep putting off their interview with the cops? Some say they are waiting for Tiger's injuries to heal so he can blame his facial scratches on the accident and the broken glass, but if he was already treated at the hospital those injuries would likely be photographed and documented and I believe that could be shared with the police in an ongoing investigation. Another possibility is that maybe Elin has a black eye or something that would incriminate Tiger.

And the second, and more puzzling question, why would Tiger cheat on Elin, his swedish bikini model wife?

I guess the old adage is true, "everywhere there's a beautiful woman, there's a guy tired of fucking her."


  1. Damino7:10 PM

    Very good post. Never been able to put my finger on it, but I've really disliked Tiger Woods for a long time. Kind of reminds me of A-Rod in his obsessive need to control his image, and gives off a real jerk vibe. Not saying he hit his wife or this is even necessarily his fault, but I just don't like or trust him.

  2. It is also possible that Elin struck him in the head. A blow to the head would leave Tiger woozy, bleeding, and rushing out of the house to get away from her. I hadn't thought of pain killers, but given that he went through a serious knee injury it is possible he got hooked on them. I think alcohol is too simple an answer, but sometimes the simplest explanation is the correct one.

    At the low speed he was driving I just can't see his wife chasing him or his being impaired by alcohol as causing this accident. I believe he was either concussed or was on serious pain medications after reading your theory.

  3. I can't stop laughing that Elin beat him down with his own clubs. Don't mess with us Swedish girls-BITCHES BE CRAZY!!!

    I think either way Tiger learned his lesson. If he wasn't cheating, he definitely never will now. If he was cheating, he paid dearly.
