Friday, December 11, 2009

Michelle Braun Provided Whores for Tiger Woods

The latest twist in the Tiger Woods scandal involves Michelle Braun, the ex-wife of Farrell Kellener.
On the cover of the Daily News, along with a picture of Tiger Woods is this mugshot of Michelle Braun after her arrest on drug charges.

Michelle Braun's mugshot

The article claims that Woods paid as much as $60,000 for threesomes, and his favorite girl was Italian model Loredana Jolie (SFW).

She says Tiger liked the college-aged girl-next-door cuties and they said he was good in bed and has a big penis. Glad I know that.


  1. Anonymous11:15 AM

    The other blog articles you wrote about Farrell Kellener and Michelle Braun have been deleted. Why?

  2. to protect the innocent

  3. Anonymous4:06 AM

    The "innocent" that plead to two felonies -- money laundering and transporting a woman across state lines for the purpose of prostitution -- and was sentenced to three years' probation and six months of house detention?

    Madam bares Playboy links

  4. hey anonymous, get a fucking life before i find you, oh thats right i cant because u hide behind ur insults with a fake name, oh this is farrell by the way and paul was respectful enough to take down any posts that claimed malicious and false allegations against me, i was found innocent on all charges so if u have something to say get ur fucking facts straight, i have moved on with my life and the best satisfaction i get is that while i have moved on and financially comfortable by the way, u are still a loser who cant let go of the past, once again paul thanks for doing the right thing and to anonymous why dont have the balls to reveal urself

  5. Anonymous10:04 AM

    OH c'mon, Paul! This is the second time you've backed down on this topic. The 1st being Michelle's plea to remove photos, and now THIS! Why do you cave in and remove what is easily documented, factual information? One can only suspect that you have been threatened, either blatantly or subtly, with legal action for, what, damage to their reputations?! LOL, that's a good one!

    Leave it to Farrell to whip out his tough-guy persona when all else fails, but his hostility is just an attempt to divert people from the truth. I agree w/"Anonymous" -- the facts speak for themself.

    Whether the charges were ultimately dismissed against him or not, the facts are indisputable and his mug shot is still around to prove it. It is clear that he was married to the "Hollywood Madam," they were subsequently arrested, and he was shown to be president of her many enterprises. I personally don't see anything "insulting" about Anon's comments. So, Farrell, why so touchy? If you can't stand the heat, then perhaps you should've stayed out of the Madam's, ahem . . . kitchen ;).
