Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Yeah, That's What Tiger Needs

Fox News contributor Brit Hume knows exactly what Tiger needs: Jesus.

I know this is what Jesus people do, they tell other people how great Jesus is, but it seems the height of arrogance to tell someone: what you believe is wrong, if you want to be happy, believe in what I tell you.

This is why I am glad Jews aren't allowed to prostelytize.


  1. Not only did he suggest Christianity and Jesus but he put down Buddism. Interesting. I wonder if Member of the Tribe Bill Kristol knew what was coming...

  2. Question for the token gentile: Is that true about Jews not being allowed to prostelytize? Is that why the guys in the "Mitzvah(sp?) Truck on the street come up to you and ask if you are Jewish and if you say no....that's the end of it?

  3. Yes, that's exactly why.

  4. thanks - that's interesting.
