Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Seems Like He's Ready

This weekend we began potty-training Chase.
Our pediatrician told us to wait until he showed signs of being ready for it and we think these three things he did recently are the hints we needed:
1) Mid-poop he looked at me and said "Poopies coming out of my butt daddy"
2) He actually told us he had to Poop and made it to the potty in time for a successful poop and received his M&M reward
3) He was too late with the next poop but before we knew was happened he had removed his pants, and his diaper, got on his stool and dumped the poop in the toilet. He even wiped his ass (with his shirt). And he expected M&Ms for this.

So the potty training started Saturday. It's a three-day method that requires Mrs. Poop to basically be looking at him every second for signs he has to go. He's been doing pretty well, but he's not quite there yet, only a few accidents each day and no gross poop stories, so we think he's doing all right. It was supposed to have clicked by now and we can't say for sure if it has, but he is definitely on the right track.

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