Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Wednesday Wangdoodles

If you love “Modern Family” but hate all the funny jokes you’ll love “Parenthood.” NBC’s new plan for a better lead-in to local news is to make people cry so hard they forget to change the channel.


A few quick notes about the wedding I went to last week.
Mrs. Poop went under 2.5 on Shirley Temples.
The DJ went under 1.5 on Lady Gaga songs, playing only “Poker Face.”
We also hit the under on number of people lifted in the chair during the Hora. That was set and 2.5 and only the bride and groom went up. What a shonda, you gotta get the parents in the chair. I guess that’s what happens when I don’t step up and take over.


I have gathered a lot of opinions on the Storm-Heiser fiasco and this is the consensus: “Hannah Storm is hot, especially for a 47-year old. That particular outfit was awful. But Tony Kornheiser should not have said anything about it, at least not the way he said it.”
Can anyone honestly disagree with that statement?


  1. Parenthood was awful. Mrs. Poop put in a disappointing performance. U summed up Strom-heiser perfectly.

  2. One more note about the wedding:
    They played Beyonce's "Single Ladies" during the bouquet toss.
    And I realized from now on until time ends, that song will always be used for that purpose.
    It's like it was written just for that purpose, like when Smashmouth writes song designed to appear in car commercials.
