Friday, April 09, 2010

My Best Days Are Over...And They Weren't Even That Good

In a landmark episode of "Boy Meets World" (landmark because it signaled Topanga's emergence as a hot chick from a creepy weirdo) Cory Matthews describes the "haircut cycle of shame."
"You look terrible for six weeks, then you look good for like a day, and that's how you know it's time for a new haircut."
I spent the first 21 years of my life (or thereabouts) as an awkward, gangling, four-eyed geek.
Now I am fat and increasingly bald. Or bald and increasingly fat.

my blad head

Somewhere in the middle I got contacts, went to the gym and looked good for about five minutes.
I wish I had known it was going to be so fleeting. I would have taken more pictures.
In fact I can’t even find a good old picture of myself to use with his post.


  1. I just got a little sad that BMW is no longer on TV. I'm sorry for your "loss" too.

  2. jleary12:52 AM

    Can't go wrong with a Boy Meets World reference! Bill, I am holding out hope that some channel (maybe 11 or ABC family) will start showing it again

  3. Mrs. Poop8:32 AM

    Don't worry Paul has most of the episodes downloaded. He got caught downloading them and we were threatened by Cablevision if we get caught again we'd lose our internet access. Most wives worry about their husbands downloading porn. Mine gets in trouble for downloading Boy Meets World.

  4. freedobandita3:59 PM

    You age like a fine wine!!! Better with age!!!
