Wednesday, September 08, 2010

What Do You Give Me For? Julian at 1 Month and Chase at 1 Month

What do you give me for Julian at 1 month and Chase at 1 month?

Julian and Chase at 1 month


  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Did you switch the number order to throw everyone off?

  2. polldaddy did that for fun. I corrected it and the choices seem to be appearing in numerical order now.

  3. Reissberg4:35 PM

    You switched the order of the boys for sure, though. The lead-in makes it seem like that is Chase on the left, which is clearly not the case.

  4. Ok, I switched the headline but that doesn't really change the question or your answer. It doesn't matter which is which when you are judging their resemblance to one another.
