Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Even Her Family Couldn't Clap and Say "Good Answer, Good Answer!" For This One

Best Family Feud answer ever. Steve Harvey was dumbfounded. I love how he stayed quiet for like a minute, and as soon as she broke the silence he yelled at her. Penis! Hilarious. I think this lady may have been taking the attention away from her awful family member. What the fuck is a para-educator? Paralegal, parallel, even para-Olympics is better than para-educator. So this lady knew they weren't going to win (she needed 177 points) so she just thought she'd have a funny moment and yell out "penis" when asked to name a body part men say is bigger than when they were 16.


  1. Mrs. Poop1:41 PM

    That is so funny.

  2. heh, I'm a big Steve Harvey fan

  3. Love Steve Harvey and the Feud.

  4. Reissberg10:25 PM

    This is the classic case of "ask a stupid question, you get a stupid answer." What did they expect people to think of in response to that question? I can't fault this woman for saying what naturally popped into her head.

  5. What about stomach? Forehead? Even ass is funny but realistic.
