Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The NFL is Poop - Week 7

The Dolphins Got Unlucky, Not Screwed
The Miami Dolphins lost to the Steelers 23-22 on a very unlucky break. Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger dove into the end zone but had the ball jarred loose just before he crossed the goal line. Unfortunately the refs called it a touchdown on the field and therefore never presided over an orderly determination of the fumble recovery. So when the replay showed it shouldn't be a touchdown, they needed clear video evidence showing the Dolphins came away with it. The video showed Karlos Dansby recovering it, but I can see why the ref didn't feel comfortable going with that, there was a Steeler with his hand in there. So the ball was placed at the spot of the fumble, the Steelers kicked a field goal and one.

So it was unfortunate circumstances, not a bad call or stupid rules that cost them this one.

But the Dolphins may also want to look in the mirror, their first two drives started on the Steelers 22 and 13, respectively, and they came away with 6 points. And after that disputed play, they got the ball back with plenty of time, and couldn't even make a first down.

and sure looks like the Dolphins recovered it

Everything Ends Badly, Otherwise It Wouldn't End
Last season Brett Favre led the Vikings to the NFC title game with one of his best seasons ever with 33 TDs and only 7 interceptions. How could he retire coming off a year like that?
So far this season has been a disaster. But for one brief shining momemet, we almost saw what it is that makes Brett Favre special. Taking the frozen (not really) tundra of Lambeau Field for the last time he came within a footstep of leading his Vikings to what would have been an amazing comeback win over the Packers.
Instead we have a guy who threw 3 more interceptions, denied sending pictures of his penis to a hot Jets employee (though it allegedly came from the same phone number as the texts he admitted too) and is injured (elbow and ankle, though he may be faking to take the heat off). I have a strong feeling Favre may finally sit out a game with injury, ending his amazing consecutive games streak, and he may never come back.

What the Fuck Was That?
How did the Oakland Raiders put 59 points up on the Denver Broncos? It wasn't even turnovers, sure the Broncos made three of them, all of which were converted into touchdowns, but how do you explain the other 5 TDs? Just an incredible outlier of a performance, especially coming from the Raiders.

Wade Phillips is the Dumbest Mother Fucker to Ever Coach in the NFL
Wade Phillips is a terrible coach, and when the Dallas Cowboys fire him he will never get another coaching job in the NFL ever again. But there is no excuse for what he did last night. Trailing 38-20, with about 8 minutes left the Cowboys faced at 4th and goal from the six. Probably everyone watching was screaming for Phillips to kick the field goal and extend the game. The reason is: you never know what will happen next. What if the next play is a turnover returned for a touchdown. And that's almost what happened. The Giants turned it over on their next two possessions, one led to a touchdown. I know circumstances change and the events that follow change, but its reasonable to assume that had Phillips kicked there the Cowboys would have gotten at least one possession late in the fourth quarter trailing by only one score.

You Can't Beat the Champs Without a Little Luck
The Cleveland Browns couldn't have pulled off a huge upset over the Saints without a little luck. Drew Brees threw two interceptions for touchdowns, yes, but you also make your own luck. And that's what they did on the coolest play of the season, a 68-yard run on a fake punt by Reggie Hodges. I have never seen a bigger running lane in all my life.

browns punter reggie hodges runs for 68 yards on a fake

NFL Stands for Not For Long
Last year Drew Brees was king of the world, this year he stinks. He's the 10th rated QB in the NFL and he's already thrown 10 picks, one fewer than in all of last year. Not sure what's wrong with him and the Saints but they are not the same team on offense they were last year.

A Win is a Win, I Guess
The Redskins beat the Bears 17-14 in what was one of the worst games ever played. Of the first 8 possessions in the second half, 7 of them ended in turnovers. The Redskins have played better in at least 2 of their losses this year than they did in this one. But the Bears were intent on giving it away. Billie has now convinced me that Jay Cutler is terrible and he will never be a good NFL quarterback.

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