Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Tear Down the Playground

An old saw referencing our increasingly reactive culture says that every time a kid falls a playground is closed. I didn't think this was literally true, but I suppose it is.

"Elementary school playgrounds in one West Virginia county are losing their swing sets.

Swings are being removed from Cabell County schools in southern West Virginia in part because of lawsuits over injuries.

Cabell County schools safety manager Tim Stewart said Wednesday that a lot of parents are accusing him of being un-American, but he says the cost of maintaining a safe surface is too expensive.

Stewart says a lawsuit in the past year involved a youngster who broke his arm jumping off a swing like Superman. It was settled for $20,000.

Other equipment such as monkey bars will remain. Stewart says the schools are able to maintain the proper protection underneath them."

It's only a matter of time until the monkey bars go too. And eventually our kids will play in foam rubber rooms where no one ever gets hurt and no one is good or bad. And when that day comes kids in China will kick our kids' asses.


  1. I hate stuff like this. Think of all the money that is thrown away dealing with stupid shit lawsuits. I don't know the details obviously, but sounds like a good ol case of "Lets be true Americans, and sue because something bad happened to our kid through his own stupid behavior"

  2. Mrs. Reissberg10:10 AM

    Poop (and Poopheads), what are your thoughts on the ruling that a 4-year-old can be sued for negligence? We know the little girl who is being sued and I have my own thoughts on the matter, but would like to hear yours.

  3. Damino3:23 PM

    I think it's crazy and one of the (many) reasons everyone hates lawyers. There is just no way that a child of that age should be held legally responsible for his/her actions, particularly when you're dealing with negligence (i.e. a bicycle riding accident with no intent to harm) and not some affirmative act that a child psychologist can unmistakably recognize as purposeful.

    I understand the parents in that case were jointly sued, which I guess is a whole different issue.
