Monday, December 20, 2010

What Do You Give Me For? JLeary and the Guy at the Knicks Game

Juice and Focks noticed a guy who looks a lot like JLeary on TV at the Knicks-Heat game Friday night, seated right in front of Robert Randolph.


  1. mutha effin classiiiiiiiiiic, yeahya....

  2. jleary11:41 AM

    Okay, so nobody thought it wasn't me. I haven't been to a game that loud in the garden since the 90's. The first half was incredible (the crowd died down when the Knicks did). Got the seats from work.
    All game I could not put my finger on who was behind me, though i knew he was famous. I talked to him alot during the game, he knew his shit about the Knicks (and Giants). He kept trying to start a "we want Melo" chant, but it didn't catch on
