Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chase Picks Wrong Role Model

During the winter, prior to one bad snowstorm, my employer put me up in a hotel in Manhattan for the night to ensure I would be able to make it into the city early the next morning.
Chase was so distraught he couldn't come with me to the hotel, Grandma Poop decided to create a phony "Hotel Chase" for them to play.
There is a minibar to stock, bags to carry to rooms, mints to place on pillows, reservations to take and most importantly customer satisfaction surveys to take following a guest's stay.
For this there is a staff: reservations clerk (Julian), maintenance man (me), belldog (Diesel) and hotel manager (Mrs. Poop). Unfortunately Grandma Poop gave Chase a moniker that was already taken: The Concierge.
Now Chase tells everyone he is a concierge, including his teachers:

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