Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How Did the Hindus Beat Us?

Fascinating study out from the Pew Forum on Religious and Public Life.
The study breaks down incomes by religion. The highest earning group? Hindus. 65% earn more than $75,000 a year. Compared to only 58% of Jews. But if you take out people who actually practice Judaism from that category, 67% of Reform Jews earn more than $75k.
The worst performing groups are Jehovah's Witness and members of historically black churches like Pentecostals and Baptists. More than 2/3s of those groups earn less than $50,000.
It's an interesting study but I think we knew for the most part Jews are very successful and black people still have less than average incomes -- as a group. But I am not sure if there are any conclusions we can make about cause and effect here.
And I also am not sure what the hell the Hindus are doing to make themselves so rich.
Either running a 7/Eleven is a suprisingly lucrative business or that offensive stereotype I just used is not accurate.

I guess Apu from the Simpsons chose the right career path


  1. I'll ask one of the 20 high level Indian programmers in my office, maybe they know why...

  2. Damino4:15 PM

    Interesting. I bet geography played a role too, as Mormons and Baptists tend to live in more rural areas with far lower costs of living than do Jews and Hindus.
