Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Idol Chatter

I want Lauren to win but I think Scotty is going to win.

I just like Lauren better as a singer and a person.

Plus in my first Idol Chatter of the year (this is only the third) I said "Scotty McCreery is not going to win this competition." Now I think he is. He has a more loyal following, he hasn't been in the top 3 once.

Plus all the judges seemed to go for Lauren last night. Like they were pumping her up to make this a more even fight.

Idol got lucky this year in that both of these contestants were featured prominently straight from their initial audition. Or maybe they made it that far because they were featured.

Speaking of auditions, I think it would be a crying shame if Lauren and Steven Tyler didn't do a duet of "I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing" tonight.

And Scotty and J.lo should do "Jenny (Scotty?) from the Block."

My one complaint with Lauren is I think they have hypersexualized her. They made her lose 20 pounds and they have put her in short skirts, low-cut dresses and push-up bras. She's 16 for heaven's sake.

Scotty will have a long and successful career in country music, win or lose. But Lauren at her young age has a chance to be a combination of Jordin Sparks and Carrie Underwood.

Before the season started I worried the judging changes and the decline in talent would spell the beginning of the end for American Idol.

One major improvement they have done this season: showing more behind-the-scenes life of the Idols, I never remember seeing so much from the Idol house, though I still wonder if Lauren and Scotty stayed there alone all season or had parental supervision, esepcially at the end. They also used more features and performances to prevent the results shows from turning into drawn-out fake-suspense-fests.

Much to the dismay of Simon Cowell, Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez were quite fun and entertaining and their near-constant positivity didn't detract at all. Simon pointed criticisms were not missed.

Looks like American Idol will be around for many more seasons to come.

1 comment:

  1. This is actually the first season that Special K and I watched in some time. We both thought Lauren was going to win, based upon the 'first single' song they were each given. We just thought hers was a way better song, so would swing the vote in her favor.

    I also thought Lauren was going to sing with Steven Tyler btw.

    Oh, I was going to comment on one of your other Idol Chatter posts from way back about Jacob. We can't freakin stand him. Last night, I wanted to watch the whole thing, but S.K. was forcibly making me fast forward when Jacob was singing. Not sure what it is, just can't stand his voice at all. They're all very talented, but something about his wurble/emotion/something is just a damn mess. Has your opinion changed now that it's over?
