Monday, May 02, 2011

Usama Bin Laden Sleeps with the Fishes

I think President Obama watched "The Godfather" this weekend. Because he took care of a lot of Obama family business. He went after Qaddafi (Barzini) and killed Tattaglia (Bin Laden). And now, like Luca Brasi, Usama Bin Laden sleeps with the fishes.

Note: I spell Bin Laden's first name with a U because that is how the federal government does it. It also helps to avoid confusion with the current President's name like the pile of shit Norah O'Donnell stepped in.

Note: He also showed his birth certificate and preempted "The Apprentice." I guess we could compare Trump to Fredo.

It was nearly ten years ago I walked in between the burning, crumbling Twin Towers wanting revenge on the people who did it. Now, finally, we have that revenge. Usama Bin Laden is dead.

And I am thrilled. If I had been in Citizens Bank Park last night watching the Mets beat the Phillies I am sure I would have been chanting "U-S-A! U-S-A!" along with the Phillies fans. Though I think those animals would have cheered the death of anyone. I kid, I kid.

I actually think the celebrations may have gone a little too far. The crowds at the White House and Ground Zero were mostly a bunch of college kids looking for an excuse to get drunk and skip class.

america fuck yeah

Yes, I'm happy he's dead, and I am celebrating. But the celebration should be honoring those people he killed. Because we are not celebrating his death in particular, we're cheering because the thousands of people he killed, and their families, finally have a tiny, tiny measure of justice.

I want to give President Obama full credit for this. When he was elected I was worried he would be unwilling or unable to kick the asses that needed kicking to keep us safe. He proved he's willing to do it. And this will help his approval rating and maybe even get him reelected. And if that's the case he deserves it.

But he couldn't have done it without the finest military in the world. The people at Guantanamo Bay who interrogated or even tortured detainees got the information leading to Bin Laden's compound. The 24 Navy Seals descended on that compound killing whoever got in the way (including the woman Bin Laden was using as a human shield) and then firing a bullet into the face of Usama Bin Laden.

But let's be clear, this doesn't end anything. There will always be people who hate America. Because we're Godless, or we're rich, or we're arrogant or because we do what's right and protect Israel. This won't calm those people, it might only incite them. They are not going to give up just because Bin Laden is dead. There will be a new Bin Laden bent on doing even more damage and killing even more people.

And someday we'll kill him too. Because we live in the greatest country in the world, and eventually, justice prevails.

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