Monday, June 06, 2011

Julian is Growing Up -- Fast

Julian is 10 months old today and though he isn't talking yet, he has figured out a way to make himself understood. This is how he tells us he's hungry (wait for the big finish, he's also a little too young to know he needs to begin his performance as soon as the red light goes on):

And he's not walking yet, not even doing a real crawl, but he still manages to get himself around:

As you can see, Julian was crawling towards Diesel's water bowl which likely signals the beginning of the worst phase of child-rearing.

Julian goes dog bowl diving

This is when a newly mobile child realizes he can get anywhere and touch anything (at a certain height). This is how the next few months will play out. Julian will crawl (eventually walk) for something, say an electrical outlet. I will grab him, relocate him to a safe zone and he will cry. Or he will get something of Chase's possibly a toy, or maybe a picture or something he can rip/crinkle or destroy. I will take it away from him and he'll cry, and because something of his was just ruined, Chase will cry too. That is what we call going from zero to two crying children in about 4.8 seconds.


  1. That kid has mad skillz. Ethan kinda does that hunger signal thing, but only if he sees the bottle in your hand, and you haven't given it to him yet.

    He really is growing up super fast though. It seems like yesterday that he was in my living room as still as a potato for like 3 hours.

    Does he like to rip glasses off of your face? That's Ethan's new thing.

  2. Yes, in order to get Julian to pant like that, usually food has to be within his field of vision.

    Yes, Julian is huge. But he still sleeps for three hours every afternoon.

    And yes, every child ever birthed, loves to rip glasses off faces.
