Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Why I Do What I Do

I was recently asked an interesting question (and the answer was important because my boss was the one asking), why are you in this business?

I said "because I like telling stories."

And that's essentially what I like about my job.

And it's what I love about this blog.

Yes, there are a lot of posts I just throw together very quickly and don't put much thought into. I don't have an editor and I don't pore over sentences for typos (as many of you have pointed out). And in most cases I don't even proofread to make sure I am not committing the same grammatical infractions I make fun of people for in everyday life.

And that doesn't include the posts when I just google image a hot chick and slap up five bikini pictures.

But there are some posts that matter to me a little more. There's a story out there, a hot topic, and there's so many angles to it. And many of you don't have time -- and don't get paid -- to read all the various reports and sort fact from fiction.

It's those posts I take the most pride in. I want them to be thorough so you know every single essential detail. But I don't want them to be so long you get bored reading them.

For instance, the first post on Anthony Weiner (which got a huge number of comments which I always appreciate), the Lance Armstrong post (though I got a huge assist from Wikipedia), the Wilpon defense (this one was even harder because almost all of you who had enough interest to read my post also had enough interest to read the original article. So I had to explain, and offer unique insight) and finally, my personal favorite, the Dominique Strauss-Kahn if she ain't bitin ain't fightin post.

It's in those posts when I'm being entertaining, amusing and informative all at the same time that I am doing what I was put on this Earth to do: tell people stories.


  1. Damino10:24 AM

    Don't forget your terrific Farrell K post from about 5 years ago. I know he's a unique case and there are legal reasons for being careful, but I'd love to see more "Whatever Happened To" posts re: people we knew growing up.

  2. DiBern (nee DiTen)10:33 AM

    I don't comment a lot, but just want you to know that I enjoy your blog and appreciate all you put into it.

  3. DiBern, that might go down as my favorite comment ever. Not just because of what you said but because you used "nee DiTen."

    Though I always preferred to spell it Di10.

  4. keep on poopin
