Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hey McFly Your Shoe's Untied

Nike is releasing the Nike Mag, a replica of the futuristic shoe Marty McFly wore in 2015 in "Back to the Future II."
The Nike on the strap even glows. The replica is pretty faithful to the original, except it doesn't lace itself.

Nike will release 1,500 pairs of the 2011 Nike Mag sneaker for auction on eBay and donate all proceeds to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's disease research.

Nike decided more than four years ago to create the shoe, but was unsure when a pair would be ready. Unlike the shoes in the movie, the real-life versions had to be designed for day-to-day use. For instance, the design used in the movie required Fox to wear a battery pack with wires running down his pants to light the shoe, which was the best technology available at the time.

Nike also has created a faux "lost scene" from the movie starring Christopher Lloyd and Kevin Durant with a cameo from Mayor Goldie Wilson.

1 comment:

  1. Jleary6:24 PM

    Without the power laces what's the point!
