Sunday, October 09, 2011

Marching Bands Get Funky

The Syracuse University Marching Band aka the Sour Sitrus Society unveiled a new song (or at least I had never heard them play it before), "Hate Me Now" by Nas.
Though I enjoyed the song and thought it was an inspired choice, it was nothing compared to the version of LMFAO's "Party Rock Anthem" by the Ohio University Marching Band:


  1. Juice5:21 PM

    real nice....wheres the cuse video?

  2. Video of the Sour Sitrus Society's performance of "Hate Me Now" was unavailable at press time. It wasn't their halftime performance, just a song they played during a lull in the action. You might have heard it, they played it during the Rutgers game, Juice.
