"Dad what should I do?"
"Be a man, Scotty. Go meet with them."
TallSkott ignored this advice and stood up the ugly girls.
But even TallSkott would not have done what Penn State Assistant Coach Mike McQueary did.
McQueary, by his own account, witnessed Jerry Sandusky anally raping a young boy in the shower. And the first thing he did was call his father to ask for advice.

And his father told him he should leave the premises immediately and come to his house. Don't confront Sandusky, don't make a noise or something to let Sandusky know you're there and certainly don't call the cops. Call your father, and then leave the scene.
You witnessed a crime. Your first instinct should be to protect the child. Then you call police. The fact that he decided to call his dad first, and to think about his own career before the welfare of the child, is leading to the rise of a lot of conspiracy theories.
Did McQueary know he had some reason not to report Sandusky to police? Was he rewarded for his silence with an assistant coaching job?
And that's what makes this whole situation so difficult. With as much as we do know, there is still a lot we don't.
McQueary, who was initially hailed as the only person willing to report this behavior, is now being cast as a villain for his inaction. He even received death threats. And that is why he will not be on the sidelines for the game against Nebraska. If Paterno got fired for his dithering, I think McQueary deserves the same fate.
I didn't know that story about my brother. Shame on you, TallSkott. Shame.
You know, the only appropriate reaction in this situation is a 3 part action.
1 - Tackle the mother fucker ON THE SPOT
2 - Stomp on his balls
3 - Call the cops while you pin him down
This guy deserves zero credit, even if he told Paterno, or another senior administrator immediately.
Think about it with way less detail: a grown man saw a kid getting raped, turned around, and made a phone call. Fuck that.
Ton is right on, as usual. The witness also could've screamed at Sandusky to get the hell off the kid, which would've immediately stopped the crime, and then once the kid is out of harm's way, call the cops.
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