Monday, December 05, 2011

Adios Jose

Jose Reyes has officially left the New York Mets, signing a 6-year, $106 million contract with the Miami Marlins.
The Marlins have different motivations than the Mets. They are moving into a new ballpark and need to fill it with a star player to create excitement (though I think their flirtation with the Expensive Pooh Holes is just for show). And in truth, they have a better, younger core (Morrison, Stanton, Ramirez and Josh Johnson) than the Mets, making Reyes a more valuable addition for them.
The Mets were only willing to offer 5-years at $80 million, maybe $90m at the most. That wasn't going to be enough.
And as sad as I am to see him go, I think it is the right move for the Mets. This team is not ready to compete yet. And since his next two years are likely to be his best (of the 6 on the contract) it does little good to pay a player $18 million to be on a bad team. And by the time the Mets are ready to compete, Reyes, an oft-injured player whose game relies on speed, it's likely his performance will be in decline.
I will miss watching Reyes play. I always enjoyed his energy, his smile, his defense and especially his triples, but the time has come to move on.
Adios Jose.


  1. Damino3:29 PM

    I agree. I used to love Reyes but in the past few years I grew tired of his questionable attitude, and I didn't want the Mets spending big on him. I'm thankful that he didn't go to the Phillies or Yankees, although 2-3 years from now I can easily see the Marlins souring on him and the Yankees trading for him when Jeter and A-Rod are done.

  2. jleary4:00 PM

    I agree as well as tough as it will be to see him in another uni. But don't worry poop, we get to see him leg out triples against the Mets 18 times a year!
    The mistake was not moving him at the deadline, because now the mets will get only a 3rd round pick for him (plus supplemental round pick) which could turn to a 4th if the marlins sign CJ Wilson or Buerhle.
    With that said I think they need to now move Wright. They won't be competetive for a coupel years like you said and he will be a free agent before they are good. I'm sure the can pull in a nice pitching prospect or 2 and a position prospect as well. Plus if ANYBODY will take Bay of their hands go for it. Let Johan hopefully have a nice start to the season and dump him too. it is time to finally rebuild the right way

  3. The Concierge6:42 PM

    I disagree, I think we should keep Wright, he has good years left in him, where he should still be around for the Mets next run provided that they don't close up shop. Isn't everyone disappointed that we don't get to have Bobby V back!

  4. J, thank you for bringing up the compensation issue. I wanted to include it in my essay but felt it didn't fit into the flow and arc of my story.

    Clearly they should have traded him. I would have done it before last season.

    I have been saying it for years, probably since the 2008 collapse. The Mets would be three years deeper into a serious rebuilding if they had followed my plan.

    Damino, I always thought questions of his attitude were overrated. Remember when they said his show-boating is the reason the Marlins knocked off the Mets in 2007? That's nonsense. Jose always seemed to me like he was having fun.

    Conch, under ideal circumstances Wright would still have enough good years left to keep him around, but these are not ideal circumstances. He has clearly struggled when asked to carry the team, CitiField has also hurt him (remains to be seen what fences will do) and it's very likely he just needs a change of scenery.

    No one is taking Bay or Santana.

  5. Damino11:08 AM

    Paul I agree with you about the '07 showboating thing being total garbage. I thought Reyes from '03 through '07 had a great attitude and I liked his swagger and flash.

    From my perspective, things started to sour with him in '08 when he was reported to be one of a few Mets undermining Willie Randolph and maybe not always giving 100% on the field. It's all media filtered, but I also got the sense that he maybe wasn't rushing to return from injury in '09/'10.

    He had a brilliant season last year and reminded me of his '05 to '07 form, but it was a contract year and I just don't see him repeating that now that he's locked up for 6 years. I don't hate the guy by any means and will miss him, but I think it's fair to argue that he doesn't a great attitude.

  6. The Concierge2:08 PM

    Well we should keep wright becasue I invested in a David Wright Jersey several years ago and I have not fully amortized the purchase yet.

  7. Damino, your interpretation of his demeanor is certainly reasonable. I'd be hard-pressed to argue about the motivation and personal thoughts of a person I've never met.

    But in my own view I don't think he had an attitude problem. And even for players who do, I don't think that should play a major role in evaluating whether or not to keep him.

    I often advocate judging talent over everything else, and that would be the case here as well. He's an incredibly talented player, but I don't see his place on this team in the future.

    Conch, your jersey is depreciating rapidly. Maybe invest in an Ike Davis or a Matt Harvey.

    Or how about Chris Paul?
