Thursday, December 08, 2011

The Entitlement Culture

There's lots of talk lately about "fair share" and the "1% vs. the 99%." Radio host Adam Carolla, known as a comedian, hits is right on the head in this 9-minute rant. It is a thing of beauty, and you should listen to the whole thing. But if you don't have that kind of patience skip forward to 5:55 into the video for the story about Mr. Jenkins. I'll offer my thoughts after you've watched it.

This nails it. Everything I have been saying for years. Giving people things they didn't earn teaches them that they don't have to work to get things. In the real world, you do. And I don't even think it's a stretch to go from "I play so I deserve a trophy" to "I live so I deserve a job."
Especially when everyone, including the President, is telling you that your failures are someone else's fault.
Yes, the system can be unfair. Yes, there are some people who have more through no accomplishment of their own, and some have nothing through no fault of their own. But in general, in our society, if we allow it to stay a meritocracy, everyone has the ability to build something for themselves. As long as we don't beat the personal responsibility and desire for achievement out of them.

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