Tuesday, January 03, 2012

The NFL is Poop - Week 17

Passing Fancy
2011 was a great season for passing and so it's fitting it should end with the best passing game ever. Matthew Stafford throwing for 520 yards and Matt Flynn for 480. A perfect round, 1000, the most combined passing yards in one game in NFL history. I have no idea why the Packers were playing so hard in a game that didn't matter. Do they think Aaron Rodgers is their only important player? They are lucky no one got hurt.

Jordy Nelson makes Matt Flynn look good

Easy Breesy
Drew Brees just completed the pest season any quarterback has ever had (by the numbers). Brees set records for passing yards, pass completions and completion percentage, which taken in context is even more impressive. Obviously, comparing Brees's accomplishments to passers from other eras is not fair, but by any measure, it's an impressive season, which is why Brees is my MVP. I had Rodgers going into the final week. But then when I saw Matt Flynn put up Rodgers-esque numbers in Green Bay's offense I decided to go with Brees, even though it's very likely he's a "system QB" too.

It Takes Years to Become an Overnight Sensation
Victor Cruz was an undrafted free agent. He made the most of his chance catching 3 touchdowns in a preseason game last year. But he got injured early in the season and didn't catch a pass. This season Cruz emerged, catching 82 passes for 1536 yards. Included in that total, 5 touchdowns of more than 65 yards, second-most all-time.

Victor Cruz's long touchdowns and salsa dances have made him a favorite of illiterate New York Giants fans

Second-to-last Tebow Rant?
I was too late to get on the Tim Tebow bandwagon and now I'm too late getting off it. Looks like I was right all along. Tebow cannot throw. And all his other positive attributes don't make up for that giant failing. Teams adjusted to Denver's half-option running game and actually played more man coverage against him because he's not good enough to pick apart zones. For the second straight year (Seattle last year) a home team is a bigger than touchdown underdog in the first round of the playoffs. And I don't like the Broncos chances against the Steelers.

Picture of the Week
Somewhere Mike Curtis is smiling because Packers linebacker Brad Jones tackled a fan who ran onto the field.

he violated a city ordinance

Bad Joke of the Week, Maybe Year
Kyle Orton's pass was too high. It went somewhere over Dewayne Bowe.

Bowe actually caught this pass but it was the cloest thing to fitting my joke I could find

A Brief Rant About the Redskins
There is some hope for the future with some good young running backs (Helu and Royster), drug users (Fred Davis and Trent Williams) and great defensive lineman (Ryan Kerrigan and Brian Orakpo). But the back 7 of the defense is getting old (Hall, Wilson, Fletcher, Atogwe) and we still have no quarterback. And we're not getting Luck or Barkley so maybe we will rest the next three years of our franchise at the feet of Robert Griffin III.

If the Super Bowl Were Played Today
Green Bay Packers 45 New England Patriots 41

These aren't my picks for the Super Bowl but these teams have surely done enough to warrant these spots for the final regular season Poop.

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