Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Given the Very Big Boot

I haven't even had time to write my first Idol Chatter of the season and suddenly there is major breaking news to report.
Jermaine Jones is getting kicked off the show for failing to report his arrest record.

Jermaine is the huge guy (6' 8 1/2") with the incredibly deep voice. He did not make it into the Top 24, but when they added one more person in a totally contrived move to generate hype, he became the 13th male contestant. And then he made it through to the top 10 on fan voting. Viewers may have liked him because of the sob story he told about his mother. But it turns out the story of abandonment is not true, Jermaine's father is still in his life.

But far worse, from the producers' perspective, are his two arrests, one reportedly for a violent incident. And the fact that he didn't disclose them, something Idol has had a zero tolerance policy towards in the past. It's the cover-up that usually makes situations like these so much worse.

Also, he reportedly gave fake names to police when he was arrested. Plus he lied about his arrest record, and his father. That makes him an habitual liar and not worthy to participate on American Idol.

I hope they bring back the obnoxious singing cowboy, just to kick sand in Jermaine's face one more time.

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