Friday, April 27, 2012

Baseball is Poop

The Best Player in Baseball
If you don’t follow baseball very closely, or you have a vote for MVP (maybe that’s redundant) you might not have known that Matt Kemp is the best player in baseball. Last year he was better than Ryan Braun in virtually every category; and a full win better in the crucial WAR ranking. While Braun was later disgraced for failing a steroids test and winning an appeal without even challenging the result, Kemp has emerged ready to prove his place as the best player in baseball. His stats this year are ridiculous, through 19 games he has 10 homers, 23 RBI and a WAR of 2.2. Multiply those numbers by 8 and look at his 1450 OPS and bow down at his greatness.

When Will It End?
The incredible story of Jamie Moyer is continuing this season. Through 4 starts, Moyer is 1-2 with a 2.28 ERA, though FIP (4.25) seems to indicate he’s benefitting from some favorable defense so far. When Moyer recorded his 268th win he became the oldest pitcher in major league history to win a game. What’s even more impressive at his age, he stayed up to watch the whole thing.

Why Couldn’t He Do This When He Was a Pitcher?
One of the most remarkable careers we are having the pleasure of witnessing is Rick Ankiel’s. He started as a pitcher, had an infamous playoff meltdown and couldn’t throw strikes. Then he went to the minors and remade his career as an outfielder. And he still possesses that wonderful arm. Only difference is now he can actually throw strikes.

If Only All Pitchers Were Like Bartolo Colon
Bartolo Colon threw a Major League record 38 straight strikes (MLB cut it all into one video), a Major League record. During that span he got 10 outs and gave up two hits. Maybe more pitchers should follow his lead.

Win Without Him, Can't Win With Him
The pre-season storyline involving the St. Louis Cardinals was that we shouldn't write off the Cardinals just because they were losing The Magnificent Pooh Holes. Because they were acquiring one of the best pitchers in the National League, Adam Wainwright. If they won the World Series without him imagine what they could win with him. So far not much. The Cardinals are 12-3 when he doesn't start and 0-4 when he does. Wainwright has a 7.32 ERA in 4 starts, but his 2.70 xFIP points to a fair amount of bad luck that should normalize as the season goes on.

Humber Makes Lumber Slumber
Philip Humber, part of the Johan Santana trade, became the 21st pitcher in Major League History to pitch a perfect game. He also became the 17th former Met to pitch a no-hitter. The Chicago White Sox have had two perfect games in 5 years, and the Mets have gone 50 without a no-hitter. But lest you think the Mets let the next Nolan Ryan get away, Humber got bombed for 9 runs in 5 innings in his next start.

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