Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Song of the Week

"Somebody I Used to Know" - Gotye
This song is hauntingly beautiful. Mrs. Poop has been playing it non-stop.


  1. Damino10:07 AM

    I've been playing it nonstop too since I heard it on SNL this weekend. But Paul your link is to a cover of the song. The actual video was lampooned on SNL, too.

  2. Very sorry about that Damino. Thank you for pointing it out. I created this post literally months ago and never went back to check on it. I am usually at least 8 weeks in advance on SOTWs. Currently I'm making picks for late June.

  3. Damino1:05 PM

    No problem. Mrs. Poop is well ahead of the curve because this song really just took off in the past week. It was performed on Glee last week and Gotye was the musical host and subject of a digital short on SNL.

  4. You're absolutely right. She was way ahead of the curve. I had never heard it on the radio when she told me about it. We didn't even know the singer. And the real video had 168 million views yesterday when I fixed it. When I chose it no video had more than 1 million. It was also performed on American Idol last week.
