Sunday, June 24, 2012

I Almost Had to Use My AK

While driving home on my birthday I found myself in surprisingly heavy traffic on Fair Lawn Avenue. I needed to be in the left lane to make a turn at the next intersection. Traffic was slow so I weaseled my way in. Even though I had my signal on the guy behind me chose to lean on his horn. After I made my left turn, he followed behind me. So I pulled over to let him by, just to get away from him.

He stopped next to me and screamed out the window:
“What’s your fuckin problem?” (He’s screaming at me, and I’m the one with the problem?)
“We were going 5 miles an hour you could have let me in.” (I didn’t scream. I said it so quietly he had to ask me to repeat myself.)
“I wasn’t behind you, I was alongside of you, you cut me off.” (He was behind me, or else I would have hit him when I changed lanes. I do admit to cutting him off, but only because he wasn’t courteous enough to see that I was trying to get over and let me in.)
“Just go, move on with your day.” (I was done with this discussion.)
“Go fuck yourself pal.” (Then he drove away, making a u-turn, meaning he wasn’t going the same way, he purposely followed me.)

But don't worry this didn't ruin my birthday. I actually enjoyed it, for three reasons.
I enjoy new experiences.
I like having stories to tell, keeps this blog interesting for the Poopheads with vaginas who get tired of the constant sports coverage.
And the biggest reason I was happy about it, I recognized the guy. He's an annoying father I occasionally see at the playground. He saw me wearing a Syracuse shirt once (or twice, or ten times, I pretty much wear one every day) and he told me he was raised in that area but didn't go to SU. Every time I see him he chews my ear off about SU sports (I believe the first time I ever saw him was the day Fab Melo got suspended for the tournament).
And now, I won't ever have to talk to him again. And it didn't even cost me $20 ("A Bronx Tale" reference).


  1. I appreciate the non-sports story. I hate stupid people who purposely don't let you into a lane when you're trying to be polite about it. There are a lot of crazies out there. Glad that this didn't escalate into anything more serious. That guy is a doosh.

  2. jleary2:29 PM

    I like how he told you to go fuck yourself, but then softened it up by adding pal to the end

  3. The guy is much shorter and much fatter than I am. At no point was I in any physical danger.

    Yeah it is weird, he could have just said "go fuck yourself" no need to add a pal in there.

    RZR liked it and she has a vagina: mission accomplished.

  4. Today, while I was driving back from RI on I-95, there was an accident in the left lane blocking traffic. Two fucking trucks would not let me get into the right lane and I was literally stuck behind the cop car in the left lane. The cop then proceeded to yell at me to pay attention and merge into the right lane. Fuck him and most of all fuck the fucking rude truckers who would not let me get into the right lane. I hate truckers on I-95. Rant over.

  5. Paul, I hate people like that. Maybe The Universe will help out, and drop a cinder block on his face.

  6. Damino12:34 PM

    Great story, and I love the move of speaking super quietly in response to someone with road rage.

    Like Paul and RZR I hate angry drivers. Mrs. Damino and I were in Point Pleasant, NJ this weekend and got cursed out twice while we were looking for parking near the beach. Excuse us for driving at a slow to reasonable pace looking for street parking instead of speeding into a lot and wasting a ridiculous $40.

  7. Fat Scat3:22 PM

    I'm surprised a parent of a young child would actually follow you...

    As much as I've felt like that guy, not worth getting the last word if the driver has a gun...

    Glad you're alive and were not very badly burnt

  8. It puzzles me why anyone would do that. If I chased down everyone who cut me off to scream at them I'd probably be dead...or out of gas.

    Razor, I'm sorry that happened to you, and you don't want to try a maneuver like I did in front of a big truck.

    Damino, sorry we missed you at Point Pleasant. Funny we were both there this weekend. We had to park blocks away as well.

    Fat Scat, thank you for figuring out how to post under your real pseudonym.

  9. Plump Scott1:01 PM


    That reminds me - Didn't you give some hand sign (four horseman or something) to a cop with me and Tom Gunn in my car and then we got pulled over??

  10. It was the triple threat but Tom Gunn was driving. What reminded you of that?
